WR-02G Chassis

Fun wheelie action with the rear-wheel drive WR-02G!
The rear wheel drive WR-02G chassis was made for rough riding! Shielded by side frames and held tightly in place by the monocoque frame, the fully-sealed gearbox is well-protected from impact. Power is provided to the rear wheels by a centrally-positioned motor, and transmitted via the differential in the gearbox. The location of the battery pack is key: its longitudinally-placed position high in the rear ensures that when the model accelerates, the front naturally rises in a wheelie. At that point, the wheelie bar on the model's rear stops the model from toppling over, and in doing so maintains a great wheelie! Steering servos are placed along the center of the chassis, and they combine with the 2-piece tie rod for precision steering. The suspension is of the tough 4-wheel double-wishbone variety.